

Born 1985 England
Lives and works in Cologne, Germany

2015-2017   Member of Opekta Atelier, Cologne
2014   Moved to Germany
2010-2012   Member and curator of the artist group ‘The Wig’, Birmingham, UK
2009   Graduated with a Bachelor of Honors in Mixed Media Fine Arts, University of  Westminster, London, UK
2004   Foundation Art and Design, University of Central England, UK


  Goodbye – Performance, Atelierhaus des Bonner Kunstvereins, Bonn (DE)
Nasty Women, Artworks, Cambridge (UK)
2016  iamnotperforming, Opekta Ateliers, Köln (DE)
Cucina Opekta Futurista, AIC, Opekta Ateliers, Köln (DE)
2013  Catch-Up, The Wig, Birmingham (UK)
Junction Arts Festival 2013, Wolverhampton (UK)
2012  Castling, Wasp Studios, and online, Glasgow International Festival of Visual Arts (UK)
NOTICE, ARTicle, Birmingham City University, School of Art Birmingham (UK)
International Festival of Glass 2012, Stourbridge (UK)


2016  iamnotperforming, Opekta Ateliers, Köln (DE)
2013  The Wig vs Strangeways, The Wig, Birmingham (UK)
2012  Castling, Wasp Studios, and online Glasgow International Festival of Visual Arts (UK)
Junction Arts Festival 2012, Wolverhampton (UK)

Kate is a mixed media artist, with a current focus on video, sound, performance and drawing. She also curates spaces, events and sometimes people. Her work has included encumberingly large sculptures, instructions to the public, intervening gently with nature and documenting daily movement. Her work concerns itself often with the more mundane, overlooked side of life, including routines, statistics, rules and the often peculiar activities of humans.

Kate’s work has been exhibited in various exhibitions online, in the UK and in Germany, and she has curated exhibitions and festivals online, in England, Scotland and Germany.